Natural Medicine for the Mouth: Xylitol, Antioxidants and Probiotics, oh my!
This is a very exciting time in dental research, as many natural medicines are showing promising clinical results for treating the two...

Stuffed Cabbage Leaves
Satya Ambrose, ND, LAc and Kat Lopez, MD visited "Cooking at Reigelmans" today and made this delicious recipe! This recipe is from...

Herb Highlight: He Huan Pi (Mimosa Tree Bark)
By Sallie McKibben, LAc When I think of a mimosa, I think of a sweet, delicious drink that makes me feel like I am floating in warm...

Miraculous Cures
By Satya Ambrose, ND, LAc Two weekends ago we had a very exciting seminar on miraculous cases. We went over cases together that had...

Natural Therapies, Years of Experience - By Satya Ambrose, ND, LAc
It has been interesting to be asked to do an article about what the old-timers are doing in naturopathic medicine. Overall, I don't feel...